Maddie Wober

Voiceover Artist & Presenter
A talented presenter from Scotland, Maddie works well with anybody and has a great rapport with her listeners.

Age Range:

20 - 40


Energetic, Warm, Light, Confident, Natural, Authoritative


Native Scottish,  RP English, General US, Irish (belfast/southern), Australian, Cockney,


Basic French, Hebrew

Main Voice

Young Characters

Older Characters

Overseas Accents

Presenting Demo


Voiceover: Two Way Television, Endemol

Radio: Your Radio 103 and 106.9fm Breakfast Show, Late Night Love, The Maddie Show

Television: Missing, Night is Day Dusk, Kessler - The Inside Man, Oits

Stage: Bold Girls, Blood Wedding, Blue Surge, My Fair Lady, Marat Sade, As You Like It, Under Milkwood, Shooting Stars